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Acadia National Park

  • Type: Natural Environ

The First National Park East of the Mississippi River

People have been drawn to the rugged coast of Maine throughout history. Awed by its beauty and diversity, early 20th-century visionaries donated the land that became Acadia National Park. The park is home to many plants and animals, and the tallest mountain on the U.S. Atlantic coast. Today visitors come to Acadia to hike granite peaks, bike historic carriage roads, or relax and enjoy the scenery. - NPS



Name of Notable Genus AsNotedIn No Address Proximity Area
Name Genus AsNotedIn Address Proximity Area
Bass Harbor Head Light Station
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Bass Harbor Head
Blackwoods Campground
  • Lodging
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Champlain Dr W of Otter Cove
Carriage Paths, Bridges and Gatehouses
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Acadia National Park and vicinity
Schoodic Peninsula Historic District
  • Sight
  • NRHP
ME 186 1.5 mi S of ME 186
Seawall Campground
  • Lodging
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Me 233, Eagle Lake Rd


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1916/07/08 Woodrow Wilson US President After nearly 2 years of negotiation, Woodrow Wilson signs the proclamation setting aside 5,000 acres of Mount Desert Island donated for the purpose, establishing the Sieur de Monts National Monument.

Data »

Particulars for Acadia National Park:
Physiographic Coastal Environ
Physiographic Mountainous
Locale Type Natural Environ

Vicinage »

Schoodic Peninsula Place

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