Aerology Building

  • Also Known As: Aleutian World War II Visitor Center

  • Vicinity: Unalaska Airport
  • Type: Building
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

The Aerology Building is one of the most intact and architecturally significant World War II buildings in the Aleutian Islands. The rare 1943 Loxstave frame building is nationally significant as a contributing feature to the Dutch Harbor Naval Operating Base and US Defenses National Historic Landmark (NHL) designated in 1985. Loxstave is an early form of prefabricated construction. - NPS


Data »

Particulars for Aerology Building:
Sight Category Building
Building Style Loxstave frame building
Construction method Prefabricated

Activities »

The Center interprets both the military events of the Campaign and the relocation and overwhelming hardships faced by the Native residents of the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands. Visitors to the center can read newspaper articles on the war from the 1940s, look over maps and flight charts, view a Russian Orthodox icon, and watch films on the Aleut Evacuation and the War in the Pacific. - NPS

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