Mowich Lake Entrance

  • Type: Demesne

Mowich Lake is set in a glacial basin surrounded by fragile wildflower meadows, and is the largest and deepest lake in Mount Rainier National Park. The road is unpaved after the first three miles and may be rough. It is generally open mid-July to mid-October. Mowich is reached via State Route 165. - NPS



Name of Notable Genus AsNotedIn Address Proximity
Name Genus AsNotedIn Address Proximity
Mowich Lake Patrol Cabin
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Mowich Lake
North Mowich Trail Shelter
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Sunset Park Patrol Cabin
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Sunset Park Trail Shelter
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Tolmie Peak Fire Lookout
  • Sight
  • NRHP

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Particulars for Mowich Lake Entrance:
Locale Type Demesne

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