
  • Type: Town

It is and it isn't autobiographical. For instance, there is not an incident in it that is factual.... What I did present as exactly as I could were the clime and tone, as I remember them, of the town in which I lived. Nelle Harper Lee
Oh I do wish I could have some butterbeans. Now! This very minute. Truman Capote

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Name of Notable Genus AsNotedIn No Address Proximity Area
Name Genus AsNotedIn Address Proximity Area
Dellet Plantation
  • Sight
  • NRHP
US 84 On W bank of Alabama River
Monroeville Downtown Historic District
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Parts of N and S Alabama Aves, E and W Claiborne St, N and S Monut Pleasant Aves, Pineville Rd
Old Courthouse Museum
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  • NRHP
31 N Alabama Ave Fruit St


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1926/04/28 Nelle Harper Lee Born Nelle Harper Lee is born in Monroeville, Alabama
1928/00/00 Truman Capote Hometown Truman Persons is sent to live with relatives in Monroeville, Alabama.
1962/01/00 Nelle Harper Lee Host Gregory Peck visits Monroeville to explore his forthcoming role as Atticus Finch in "To Kill a Mockingbird". Harper Lee gives Peck a tour of the town, introduces him to her family, and thus begins a lifelong friendship between the writer and film star. To Kill a Mockingbird (film)
1962/01/00 Gregory Peck Actor Gregory Peck visits Monroeville to explore his forthcoming role as Atticus Finch in "To Kill a Mockingbird". Harper Lee gives Peck a tour of the town, introduces him to her family, and thus begins a lifelong friendship between the writer and film star. To Kill a Mockingbird (film)

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Particulars for Monroeville:
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Creative Works »

A Christmas Memory (short story) Short Story Truman Capote
Go Set a Watchman Book Nelle Harper Lee Go Set a Watchman is set in fictional Maycomb, based on Monroeville, Alabama
To Kill a Mockingbird (book) Book Nelle Harper Lee Fictional Maycomb is based on Monroeville, Alabama
To Kill a Mockingbird (film) Film Robert Mulligan Gregory Peck Fictional Maycomb is based on Monroeville, Alabama, 1930s

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