Parizsi Nagyaruhaz, Pest

  • Former: Alexandra Bookstore and Cafe
  • Hungarian: Alexandra Konyveshaz - Parizsi Nagyaruhaz
  • Also Known As: Fashion Hall
  • Former: Paris Department Store

  • Address: 39 Andrassy ut
  • Vicinity: Nagymezo u
  • Urban District of Pest VI in Budapest
  • Type: Building
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

Paris Department Store Building is an early 20th century Art Nouveau department store in Budapest, Hungary. Lotz Terem (Lotz Hall) is notable for Neo-Renaissance murals by Hungarian painter Karl Lotz. - AsNotedIn



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1879/00/00 Gusztav Petschacher Architect Building begins on the Terezvaros Casino featuring a columned hall, beer garden, Jozsef Petanovits's restaurant, billiards room, ballroom, reading rooms and two luxurious apartments.
1882/00/00 Karoly Lotz Artist Karoly Lotz paints the murals on the upper floors of the Terezvaros Casino.
1884/00/00 The Metropolitan in Casinoepulet Company buys the Terezvaros Casino building.
1909/00/00 Designed by Zsigmond Sziklai, renovations begin on the Terezvaros Casino building.
1911/03/03 Goldberger Samuel opens the Parizsi Nagy Auhaz (Paris Department Store) in the remodeled Terezvaros Casino.

Data »

Particulars for Parizsi Nagyaruhaz, Pest:
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Area of Significance Art
Art Style Art Nouveau
Sight Category Building
Historic Use Department Store
Architectural Style Neo-Renaissance

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