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Rive Gauche, Left Bank

  • Vicinity: South of the River Seine
  • Type: Area
  • Activity Category: On Foot

Rive Gauche is the area of Paris, France south of the Seine River. Notable as the historically bohemian side of the City of Lights, the Left Bank includes Montparnasse, the Latin Quarter and Sorbonne University. - AsNotedIn


Data »

Particulars for Rive Gauche, Left Bank:
Locale Type Area

Creative Works »

A Bundle of Letters Short Story
Henry James You know I have always been intensely interested in Balzac, who never shrank from the reality, and whose almost lurid pictures of Parisian life have often haunted me in my wanderings through the old wicked-looking streets on the other side of the river.
Babylon Revisited (short story) Short Story F Scott Fitzgerald As they rolled on to the Left Bank and he felt its sudden provincialism, he thought, "I spoiled this city for myself. I didnt realize it, but the days came along one after another, and then two years were gone, and everything was gone, and I was gone."
The Left Bank, and Other Stories (short story collection) Short Story Collection
Jean Rhys

Activities »

Activity Category On Foot
On Foot Type Walk

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