

Name of Notable Genus AsNotedIn Address Proximity
Name Genus AsNotedIn Address Proximity
Federal Street School
  • Sight
  • NRHP
1130 - 1148 Federal St
Kirkbride, Eliza Butler, School
  • Sight
  • NRHP
626 Dickinson St
Pat's King of Steaks
  • PRHP
1237 E Passyunk Ave Wharton St


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1849/07/01 Edgar Allan Poe Health Intoxicated, Edgar Poe becomes hallucinatory and attempts suicide. Detained for public drunkenness. Poe is incarcerated in Moyamensing Prison at 10th and Reed Sts. Razed in 1967, a low stone wall remains along Reed St.
1895/00/00 H H Holmes Criminal H H Holmes is incarcerated at Moyamensing Prison. While there, he write a memoir called Holmes' Own Story which includes his Moyamensing Prison diary. He also writes a confession to 27 murders that are publicized in The Philadelphia Inquirer.
1896/05/07 H H Holmes Died Herman Webster Mudgett is executed at Moyamensing Prison for the murder of his accomplice Benjamin Pitezel. Mudgett died slowly, twitching over 15 minutes before being pronounced dead. Razed in 1967, a low stone wall remains along Reed St.

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