John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site

  • Address: 83 Beals St
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

John F Kennedy NHS preserves the birthplace of America's 35th president. In 1967, the president's mother returned here, where Kennedy spent his boyhood, and restored the house to her recollection of its 1917 appearance. Each year, thousands of visitors join NPS staff to share Mrs Kennedy's memories in a tour of the house and neighborhood that, in her words, hold "many happy memories." - NPS



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1914/11/00 Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Home Soon after they are married, Joseph and Rose Kennedy move into a nine-room Colonial house in Brookline. It will be the Kennedy family home until 1921.
1914/11/00 Joseph P Kennedy Home Soon after they are married, Joseph and Rose Kennedy move into a nine-room Colonial house in Brookline. It will be the Kennedy family home until 1921.
1917/05/29 John F Kennedy Born John Fitzgerald Kennedy is born at home in Brookline, Massachusetts. John F Kennedy's Birthday

Data »

Particulars for John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site:
Criteria Consideration Birth place or grave
Sight Category Building
Owner Federal
Level of Significance National
Criteria Person
Area of Significance Politics-government
Historic Use Single dwelling

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 67000001
Resource Type:
Owner: Federal
Architectural Style: No style listed
Other Certification: Additional documentation, Designated National Landmark
Nominator Name: National Historic Landmark
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Politics-government
Applicable Criteria: Person
Criteria Consideration: Birth place or grave
Period of Significance: 1900-1924
Significant Year: 1917, 1921
Associated People: Kennedy,John Fitzgerald
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-Function: Single dwelling
Current Function: Recreation and Culture, Landscape
Current Sub-Function: Museum Park

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