St Joseph Proto Cathedral

  • Also Known As: St. Joseph Cathedral also See Also:St. Joseph Cathedral and Colle

  • Address: W Stephen Foster Ave
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1811/00/00 Benedict Joseph Flaget Vocation Bishop Flaget arrives at Bardstown, traveling down the Ohio River by flatboat and overland from Louisville by wagon, accompanied by a group of seminarians. They built a small brick church, but soon Bishop Flaget was pursuing the building of a cathedral.
1819/00/00 John Rogers (architect) Architect, Construction Supervisor St Joseph Proto Cathedral is consecrated in 1819, though the interior was not fully completed until 1823. Architect and builder of the cathedral is John Rogers of Baltimore.
1819/00/00 St Thomas becomes a preparatory seminary and the main seminary activities are moved to St Josephs in Bardstown.
1823/00/00 Jan van Eyck Artisit King Louis-Philippe of France donates paintings by Van Dyck: Descent of the Holy Ghost, The Winged St Mark, St Peter in Chains, St John the Baptist and The Annunciation.
1823/00/00 Louis Philippe I Benefactor Pope Leo XII and King Louis-Philippe donate interior decorations. Paintings from the King of France include: The Crucifixion by Phillippe Van Bree, The Coronation in Heaven of the Mother of God by Murillo and Teaching the Boys by an artist unknown.
1823/00/00 Louis Philippe I Benefactor King Louis-Philippe of France donates paintings by Van Dyck: Descent of the Holy Ghost, The Winged St Mark, St Peter in Chains, St John the Baptist and The Annunciation.
1841/00/00 When the Episcopal See moved forty miles away to the fast growing city of Louisville in 1841, St Joseph's became a parish church, hence, the title "proto-cathedral."
1952/11/12 St Joseph's paintings are stolen from the church. The paintings were valued at $875,000 at the time.
1953/05/00 St Joseph Proto-Cathedral paintings are recovered during April and May 1953.

Data »

Particulars for St Joseph Proto Cathedral:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Area of Significance Art
Sight Category Building
Criteria Exemplar
Architectural Style Federal Style
Level of Significance National
Area of Significance Religion
Historic Use Religious Property

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 74000897
Resource Type:
Owner: Local
Architect: Rogers,John
Architectural Style: Federal
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Art, Architecture, Religion
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering
Criteria Consideration: Religious property
Period of Significance: 1800-1824
Significant Year: 1816, 1819
Historic Function: Religion
Historic Sub-Function: Religious structure
Current Function: Religion
Current Sub-Function: Religious structure

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