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Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1899/00/00 Theodate Pope Riddle Architect Hill-Stead is built for Alfred Pope, 1899-1901
1899/00/00 McKim, Mead and White Consulting Architect Hill-Stead is built for Alfred Pope, 1899-1901
1901/06/16 Theodate Pope Riddle Home Pope family moves into Hill-Stead
1901/06/16 Alfred Pope Home Pope family moves into Hill-Stead
1907/00/00 Edgar Degas Painter Alfred Pope buys Degas The Tub Pastel on blue-grey paper (c 1885-1886) in Paris
1907/00/00 Alfred Pope Owner Alfred Pope buys Degas The Tub Pastel on blue-grey paper (c 1885-1886) in Paris

Data »

Particulars for Hill-Stead:
Architectural Style American Colonial Revival
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Area of Significance Art
Sight Category Building
Building Type Mansion
Level of Significance National
Owner Private
Historic Use Secondary structure
Historic Use Single dwelling

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 91002056
Resource Type:
Owner: Private
Architect: Multiple
Architectural Style: Colonial revival
Other Certification: Designated National Landmark
Nominator Name: National Historic Landmark
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Architecture, Art
Applicable Criteria: Architecture-Engineering
Criteria Consideration: Significance of less than fifty years
Significant Year: 1901, 1907, 1917
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-Function: Single dwelling, Secondary structure
Current Function: Recreation and Culture
Current Sub-Function: Museum

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