

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1878/00/00 Charles C Haight Architect Saint Saviour's Episcopal Church is erected at a cost of about $7,000, 1877-1878. The gabled porch is the original entrance.
1879/08/21 David B Odgen Founder Saint Saviour's Episcopal Church is consecrated.
1886/00/00 Tiffany and Co Artisan Thirteenth Tiffany windows are installed at Saint Saviour between 1886 and 1907. One window was stolen in 1988.
1886/08/27 Rotch and Tilden Architect Saint Saviour is reconsecrated after a remodel enlarges the building into a cross shaped plan that uses the original structure for transepts and adds a larger nave, semi-circular apse and an imposing crossing tower.
1888/00/00 Maria Kissam Vanderbilt Benefactor Mrs William Vanderbilt has a church hall built for the Sunday School program at Saint Saviour's Episcopal Church.
1896/00/00 The receiving tomb, located off of the northeast corner of the choir room, is constructed of granite block with a stepped granite roof.
1898/00/00 Westray Ladd Architect Designed by Westray Ladd of Philadelphia, the Rectory and cloister are built at Saint Saviour in Bar Harbor.
1902/00/00 An 1880s gatehouse at the summer cottage "Faraway" owned by Mrs John Harrison, is moved to Saint Saviour to be used as a Rectory as a wedding gift from Mr and Mrs Charles Carroll Jackson of New York to their daughter who married the church's rector.
1902/00/00 Baker and Dallett Architect A new chancel, sacristy and chapel are added at Saint Saviour, 1901-1902, a gift of Mrs Charles Carroll Jackson of New York in memory of her husband.
1908/00/00 An angel lectern by William Partridge is donated to the church by Philip and Juliet (Morris) Livingston (1853-1908), both of whom are descendants of signers of the Declaration of Independence.
1908/00/00 The larger section of the parish house is constructed, repeating the sheathing pattern of the original.
1909/00/00 William Ordway Partridge Sculptor Bar Harbor summer resident William Ordway Partridge creates an angel lectern for Saint Saviour.
1938/00/00 William Pierson Hamilton Benefactor A ten-bell carillon is donated to Saint Saviour by William Pierson Hamilton, the great-grandson of Alexander Hamilton.

Data »

Particulars for Saint Saviour's Episcopal Church and Rectory:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Area of Significance Art
Sight Category Building
Historic Use Church Related Residence
Area of Significance Community Planning and Development
Criteria Exemplar
Architectural Style Gothic Revival
Owner Private
Architectural Style Queen Anne
Historic Use Religious Property
Building Attribute Stained Glass

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 95000729
Resource Type:
Owner: Private
Architect: Haight, C. C.; Rotch and Tilden
Architectural Style: Gothic revival, Queen anne
Other Certification: Date received-pending nomination
Level of Significance: Local
Area of Significance: Architecture, Art, Community Planning and Development
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering
Criteria Consideration: Religious property
Significant Year: 1877, 1885, 1899
Historic Function: Religion, Funerary, Other
Historic Sub-Function: Church related residence, Religious structure
Current Function: Other, Religion, Funerary
Current Sub-Function: Religious structure Church related residence

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