

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1898/00/00 Grover Cleveland Home In Princeton, Grover Cleveland attends Sunday services at University Chapel (burned down in 1920).
1921/00/00 Ralph Adams Cram Architect Ralph Adams Cram designs the Princeton University Chapel in the Collegiate Gothic style.
1928/00/00 The Princeton University Chapel is constructed by the university between 1924 and 1928 at a cost of $2.3 million.
1960/03/13 Martin Luther King Jr Speaker With a clear, ringing voice, Dr Martin Luther King Jr preaches in the Princeton University Chapel. Rev King will later have dinner with the chapel deacons.
1970/04/17 John O'Hara In Memoriam Joan Payson and her brother John Hay Whitney, Cartoonist Charles Addams, Donald Klopfer of Random House, Albert Erskine attend John O'Hara's funeral. Phyllis Fraser Cerf also attends, Her husband, publisher Bennett Cerf is in California on a lecture tour.
1970/04/17 John Hay Whitney Mourner Joan Payson and her brother John Hay Whitney attend John O'Hara's funeral in Princeton, New Jersey.
1970/04/17 Charles Addams Mourner Charles Addams attends funeral services for John O'Hara in Princeton.
1970/04/17 Rev Ernest Gordon Vocation The University chaplain, Dr Ernest Gordon, conducts the Episcopal funeral service for John O'Hara. The obsequies had been chosen by Mrs Katherine O'Hara. John O'Hara was not a member of any church.

Data »

Particulars for Princeton University Chapel:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Historic Use Chapel
Building Type Church
Architectural Style Collegiate Gothic Style
Material Limestone
Area of Significance Religion
Historic Use Religious Property
Building Attribute Stained Glass

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