

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1785/08/18 Patrick Henry Virginia Governor Cornerstone ceremony for the Virginia State Capitol
1785/08/18 Louis Clerisseau Architect Cornerstone ceremony for the Virginia State Capitol
1788/00/00 Thomas Jefferson Architect Designed by Thomas Jefferson and Charles-Louis Clerisseau, the Virginia State Capitol is completed.
1806/06/00 George Wythe In Memoriam George Wythe lays in repose at the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond.
1807/08/03 Aaron Burr Jr Defendant Aaron Burr trial for treason begins in the Hall of the Virginia House of Delegates, Virginia State Capitol, Richmond. Aaron Burr Conspiracy
1807/08/03 Edmund Jennings Randolph Work Aaron Burr trial for treason begins in the Hall of the Virginia House of Delegates, Virginia State Capitol, Richmond. Aaron Burr Conspiracy
1807/08/03 John Wickham Lead Defense Counsel Aaron Burr trial for treason begins in the Hall of the Virginia House of Delegates, Virginia State Capitol, Richmond. Aaron Burr Conspiracy
1807/08/03 William Wirt Prosecutor Aaron Burr trial for treason begins in the Hall of the Virginia House of Delegates, Virginia State Capitol, Richmond. Aaron Burr Conspiracy
1807/08/03 John Marshall (Chief Justice) Judge Aaron Burr trial for treason begins in the Hall of the Virginia House of Delegates, Virginia State Capitol, Richmond. Aaron Burr Conspiracy
1807/08/03 Charles Lee Prosecutor Aaron Burr trial for treason begins in the Hall of the Virginia House of Delegates, Virginia State Capitol, Richmond. Aaron Burr Conspiracy
1807/08/03 Benjamin Botts Defense Counsel Aaron Burr trial for treason begins in the Hall of the Virginia House of Delegates, Virginia State Capitol, Richmond. Aaron Burr Conspiracy
1807/08/09 Alexander Henderson II Witness Alex Henderson describes a dinner with Mr and Mrs Blennerhassett who spoke of the advantages of separating from the Union. Harman told Alex and his brother John that New Orleans was to be seized and 50 pieces of French artillery was to be commandeered. Aaron Burr Conspiracy
1807/09/01 Aaron Burr Jr Defendant Aaron Burr is acquitted on 1 September 1807. Aaron Burr Conspiracy
1825/01/20 Marquis de Lafayette Guest of Honor Lafayette's entourage takes a steam boat to Norfolk, on his way to visit the legislature of Virginia at Richmond Lafayette's Triumphal Tour of America
1832/01/11 Philip A Bolling Vocation In the Virginia House of delegates, Philip Bolling argues for the abolition of the "blighting, withering curse of slavery". The "system, now existing in this commonwealth, is not the work of our hands, but a curse entailed upon by our ancestors." Slavery In America
1850/10/14 John R Edmunds Delegate of Halifax County Meeting from 14 October 1850 to 1 August 1851, the Virginia Constitutional Convention elects John Y Mason its presiding officer.
1861/04/08 William T Sutherlin Delegate The Virginia General Assembly adjourns and the Virginia Convention moves its deliberations from the Mechanics Institute to the Capitol building.
1861/04/17 William T Sutherlin Delegate 1861 Virginia Convention passes the Ordinance of Secession by a vote of 88 to 55, 32 NO votes are by trans-Allegheny (future West Virginia) delegates. Battle of Hampton Roads
1861/04/17 William T Sutherlin Delegate 1861 Virginia Convention passes the Ordinance of Secession by a vote of 88 to 55, 32 NO votes are by trans-Allegheny (future West Virginia) delegates. Beginning of the American Civil War
1862/01/21 John Tyler In Memoriam John Tyler lays in state at the Virginia State Capitol.
1863/05/15 Thomas J Jackson In Memoriam Thomas J "Stonewall" Jackson is lain in state at the Virginia State Capitol. Death of Stonewall Jackson
1870/04/27 Patrick Henry Aylett Died Patrick Alyett is one of 62 people killed when a gallery collapses onto a 2nd floor courtroom which crashes into the House of Delegates chamber. Former governor Henry Wells, Gen Montgomery Corse and 251 others are injured.
1900/01/30 The General Assembly of Virginia passes a law requiring railroad companies "to provide separate cars for white and colored passengers," and to provide physical barriers and doors to ensure isolate the races. American Segregation
1916/00/00 Edward Wren Hudgins Work Judge Hudgins is elected to the Virginia House of Delegates from that county, serving until 1920.
1946/03/08 Dwight D Eisenhower Speaker Eisenhower and Churchill speak to the Virginia General Assembly. Churchill: "Colonial Williamsburg was the cradle of the Gt Republic in which more than 150 years afterwards the strong champions of freedom were found to have been nursed." Winston Churchill's 1946 American Tour
1946/03/08 Winston Churchill Speaker Eisenhower and Churchill speak to the Virginia General Assembly. Churchill: "Colonial Williamsburg was the cradle of the Gt Republic in which more than 150 years afterwards the strong champions of freedom were found to have been nursed." Winston Churchill's 1946 American Tour
1971/06/15 J Sargeant Reynolds, former Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, is lain in state at the Virginia State Capitol.
1991/09/30 A L Philpott, former Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates, lays in repose at the Virginia State Capitol.
2011/02/11 Leroy R Hassell Sr, Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court, is the first Black American to lain in state at the Virginia State Capitol.
2013/01/29 January 29 to 30, Harry L Carrico, Former Chief Justice with over 42 years of service as an active Justice on the Virginia Supreme Court, lays in repose at the Virginia State Capitol.
2017/09/06 Lacey E Putney, Former House Speaker and longest serving legislator in Virginia history, is lain in state at the Virginia State Capitol.

Data »

Particulars for Virginia State Capitol:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Historic Use Capitol
Architectural Style Early republic
Criteria Exemplar
Level of Significance National
Architectural Style Neoclassical
Area of Significance Politics-government
Owner State

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 66000911
Resource Type:
Owner: State
Architect: Jefferson,Thomas; Clerisseau,Louis
Architectural Style: Early republic, Other
Attribute: Neo-Classical
Other Certification: Designated National Landmark, National Landmark boundary approved, Additional documentation
Nominator Name: National Historic Landmark
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Politics-government, Architecture
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering
Period of Significance: 1850-1874, 1800-1824, 1750-1799, 1825-1849
Significant Year: 1785, 1865
Historic Function: Government
Historic Sub-Function: Capitol
Current Function: Government
Current Sub-Function: Capitol

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