Y/M/D | Person | Association | Description | Composition | Food | Event |
Y/M/D | Person | Association | Description | Composition | Food | Event |
1663/00/00 | Robert Carter I | Born | Robert Carter I is born either in 1662, 1663 or even 1664 at Corotoman Plantation, Lancaster County, Virginia. | |||
1715/00/00 | Lucy Fitzhugh Harrison | Born | Elizabeth Willis Carter, wife of Col Robert Carter, gives birth to a daughter, Lucy Carter, at Corotoman, Lancaster County, Colonial Virginia. | |||
1725/00/00 | Robert Carter I | Home | A large Georgian mansion is built at Corotoman for Robert Carter, 1720-1725. It was completely destroyed by fire in 1729. |
Particulars for Corotoman: | |
Area of Significance | Architecture |
Cultural Affiliation | Early American |
Area of Significance | Historic and non-aboriginal |
Criteria | Information Potential |
Level of Significance | National |
Owner | Private |
Historic Use | Single dwelling |
Sight Category | Site |
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