

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1607/05/12 John Smith (Explorer) Explorer Representatives of the Virginia Company of London inspect bucolic land along the banks of the James River as a possible site to build their first settlement.
1607/05/12 Virginia Company of London Owner Representatives of the Virginia Company of London inspect bucolic land along the banks of the James River as a possible site to build their first settlement.
1672/00/00 Lewis Burwell II Groom Daughter of Anthony Smith and Martha Bacon, Abigail Smith (11 Mar 1656 or 57 - 12 Nov 1692, cousin of Nathaniel Bacon) marries Hon Lewis Burwell at Gloucester County, Virginia. Through his first wife, Lewis II inherited Kingsmill on the James.
1680/00/00 Richard Kingsmill, who was granted one of the first land grants by the Virginia Company, buys land on the James River.
1710/12/19 Lewis Burwell II Died Lewis Burwell dies at his plantation on King's Creek in York County. He is buried at Fairfield in Gloucester County, but his remains are later removed to Abingdon Church.
1735/00/00 Lewis Burwell of Kingsmill Home Lewis Burwell III creates Kingsmill Plantation, the house burned in 1843, but the office and kitchen remain. As naval officer of the upper James River, Burwell built an inspection station at Burwells Landing, including a tavern and ferry house.
1743/11/19 Lewis Burwell of Kingsmill Died Lewis Burwell dies, probably at Kingsmill. He is likely buried in the family cemetery there.
1781/01/00 Benedict Arnold British General General Thomas Nelson, with militia, prevents turncoat Benedict Arnold from landing at Burwell's Ferry. Benedict Arnold's Raid on Richmond 1781
1781/01/00 Thomas Nelson Jr American Commander General Thomas Nelson, with militia, prevents turncoat Benedict Arnold from landing at Burwell's Ferry. Benedict Arnold's Raid on Richmond 1781
1781/04/20 Benedict Arnold British General Turncoat Benedict Arnold and William Phillips land at Burwell's Ferry and march on Williamsburg.
1781/04/20 William Phillips (British Army officer) British General Turncoat Benedict Arnold and William Phillips land at Burwell's Ferry and march on Williamsburg.
1781/09/14 In September the French fleet arrive to support the Americans, bringing some most welcome rum. Almost every small boat, barge, and even canoes left near the James gathered at Burwell's Ferry near Newport News to form the "Mosquito Fleet." Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route
1865/05/06 The Battle of Williamsburg is fought in York County and James City County. The Confederates lost 1,682 men and the Union lost 2,283.
1975/00/00 Anheuser-Busch Owner Anheuser-Busch develops a master planned golf community at Kingsmill on the James.

Data »

Particulars for Kingsmill Plantation:
Military Event American Revolutionary War
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Historic Use Battle site
Area of Significance Historic and non-aboriginal
Sight Category Historic District
Criteria Information Potential
Owner Private
Historic Use Secondary structure
Historic Use Single dwelling

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 26th April 1972

Registry Name: Kingsmill Plantation
Registry Address: 5 mi. S of Williamsburg
Registry Number: 72001401
Resource Type: District
Owner: Private
Architect: unknown
Architectural Style: No style listed
Area in Acres: 135
Contributing Buildings: 3
Contributing Sites: 2
Contributing Structures: 3
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Level of Significance: State
Area of Significance: Historic and non-aboriginal, Architecture
Applicable Criteria: Architecture-Engineering, Information Potential
Cultural Affiliation: American Revolution
Period of Significance: 1650-1699, 1700-1749
Significant Year: c 1680, 1735, c 1736
Historic Function: Domestic, Defense
Historic Sub-Function: Single dwelling, Secondary structure, Battle site
Current Function: Domestic
Current Sub-Function: Single dwelling Secondary structure

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