Old Frankfort Pike
- Address: Old Frankfort Pike
- Vicinity: Frankfort to Lexington
Y/M/D | Person | Association | Description | Composition | Food | Event |
Y/M/D | Person | Association | Description | Composition | Food | Event |
1770/00/00 | Ohio Company | Developer | Hancock Taylor and his cousins Hancock Lee and Willis Lee survey the Woodford area for the Ohio Company of Virginia, early 1770s | |||
1780/00/00 | Maysville - Louisville Road is established, sometime between 1775 and 1780. |
Place | AsNotedIn | Type |
Place | AsNotedIn | Type |
Alexander Plantation House |
E W Taylor House |
Lee's Tavern |
McConnell Springs |
Nugent's Crossroad Historic District |
Samuel Wallace House |
Wallace Station |
Particulars for Old Frankfort Pike: | |
Sight Category | Historic District |
Criteria | Historic Event |
Animal | Horse |
Sport | Horse Racing |
Historic Use | Road-related |
Animal | Thoroughbred Horse |
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