

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1895/00/00 Victor Horta Architect Construction begins on a mansion at Avenue Palmerston for Georges Deprez, director of the val Saint-Lambert crystals, and his wife, Madame Van de Velde1.
1896/00/00 Hotel Deprez-Van de Velde is completed. The original Horta building is three spans along Palmerston Avenue.
1910/00/00 Architects M and R Genard expand the residence for Henri Renkin. The house to the right is razed and the facade of the hotel is enlarged by five spans. The old right-hand span that incorporated a front door and a loggia is now unrecognizable.
1963/00/00 Owner, architect and collaborator of Victor Horta, Jean Delhaye, redesigns the interior of Hotel Deprez-Van de Velde and upgrades the extension of Genard architects with a fourth floor.

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Particulars for Hotel Deprez-Van de Velde:
Area of Significance Architecture
Art Style Art Nouveau
Sight Category Building
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling
Building Style Townhouse

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