Old Observatory University of Tartu

  • Estonian: Tartu Tahetorn

  • Address: 8 Uppsala
  • Vicinity: S off Lossi
  • Type: Astronomical Observatory
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

Tartu Old Observatory is a historic, 19th century, astronomical observatory on the campus of the University of Tartu in Tartu, Estonia. - AsNotedIn



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1816/00/00 Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve Work Struve, working at Dorpat University, reasons that extensions of his surveys should follow the line of longitude (meridian) through Dorpat Observatory at about 27d East of Greenwich.
1830/00/00 Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve Work By careful examinations of the measuring bars and the two standards, Struve and Tenner are able to convert Russian sajens units of measurement into French toises. Struve will present future results in toises.
1855/00/00 Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve Work During the summer, Struve's team calculate the length of the quarter meridian that runs from Hammerfest, Norway, through Tartu, to Stara Nekrasivka near the Black Sea and then work out the circumference of Earth to be 40,008,696 metres.

Data »

Particulars for Old Observatory University of Tartu:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Building Type Astronomical Observatory
Science Astronomy
Sight Category Building
Education College Campus
Area of Significance Education
Science Geodesy
Architectural Style Greek Revival
Historic Use Research facility
Area of Significance Science

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