

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1848/00/00 Alexander Mitchell Home A modest brick house is constructed on Grand Ave between 9th and 10th Streets for Alexander Mitchell.
1859/00/00 Mitchell house is remodeled in the Italianate style.
1871/00/00 A Belvedere, on the SE corner of the Wisconsin Club grounds, is erected by an Italian woodcarver, enabling Alexander Mitchell to survey his extensive gardens and greenhouses. The one and a half story wooden structure is popularly called the Gazebo.
1872/00/00 E Townsend Mix Architect Alexander Mitchell hires Edward T Mix to remodel his home into a French Second Empire mansion. Adding such rooms as a ballroom (MacArthur Room), a library (Card Room) and a conservatory (removed after the club purchased the property), 1872-1877.
1875/00/00 In the mid 1870's, library-study Governors Room (formerly the Card Room and Roosevelt Room) contains more than 2000 books collected by Mitchell. The decoration of the room predate Mix's renovations.
1876/00/00 European Artists adorn the interior with hand carved mahogany woodwork, stained glass and inlaid tile. The walls of the Moorish Room (North Lounge) are covered in embossed leather panels poly-chromed in red, blue and gold arabesques.
1877/00/00 E Townsend Mix Architect All of the woodwork in the library, originally the Mitchell's family dining room, is carved from oak. Except for the removal of a arched window that once opened the south wall onto the conservatory, very little of the room has been altered.
1877/00/00 Martha Reed Mitchell Home The east end of the 1st floor is renovated in the Oriental style. An eclectic mixture of Japanese, Chinese, middle-eastern and Persian motifs popularized by the Japanese Pavilion at the Centennial Expo which the Mitchell's likely attended. Centennial Exposition 1876
1883/00/00 One craftsman works 7 years building the Grand Staircase with its 24 lion heads. 1600 hand carved pansies are installed on the ceiling of the Oriental Room.
1887/04/00 Alexander Mitchell In Memoriam After Mitchell dies suddenly in New York City, his remains are brought to Milwaukee by train and lay in state in Governors Room (formerly the Card Room and Roosevelt Room) in a red cedar casket.
1895/00/00 When the Deutscher Club (former name of the Wisconsin Club) buys the Mitchell residence. They use the expansive kitchen for their own members' dining room until other rooms could be renovated.
1900/00/00 From the late 1800s until 1950 (when 9th St is widened), a porch and a terrace directly east of the mansion are used as an outdoor dining room.
1903/04/00 Theodore Roosevelt Guest In early April, the Deutscher Club host President Theodore Roosevelt to lunch in the Govorner's Room.

Data »

Particulars for Alexander Mitchell House:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Historic Use Clubhouse
Area of Significance Economics
Criteria Exemplar
Criteria Person
Owner Private
Architectural Style Second Empire
Historic Use Single dwelling
Area of Significance Social History

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 16th January 1986

Registry Name: Mitchell, Alexander, House
Registry Address: 900 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Registry Number: 86003852
Resource Type: Building
Theme Group: West Side Area MRA
Owner: Private
Architect: Mix,Edward Townsend
Architectural Style: Second empire
Contributing Buildings: 1
Contributing Structures: 1
Certification: Determined eligible-owner objection
Level of Significance: Local
Area of Significance: Economics, Architecture, Social history
Applicable Criteria: Event, Person, Architecture-Engineering
Period of Significance: 1900-1924, 1875-1899, 1825-1849, 1850-1874
Significant Year: 1848, 1877, 1905
Associated People: Mitchell,Alexander
Historic Function: Domestic, Social
Historic Sub-Function: Single dwelling, Clubhouse
Current Function: Social
Current Sub-Function: Clubhouse

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