Mayflower House Museum

  • Also Known As: Edward Winslow House
  • Also Known As: Winslow Jackson House

  • Address: 4 Winslow St
  • Vicinity: Gordon Pl
  • Travel Genus: Sight , Visit
  • Sight Category: Museums



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1754/00/00 A residence is built for Edward Winslow, great-grandson of Pilgrim Governor, Edward Winslow.
1776/04/00 Edward Winslow, a loyalist to the Crown during the American Revolution, moves with his family to New York before eventually settling in Halifax. Siege of Boston
1782/00/00 The Winslow house is sold by creditors to Thomas Jackson, who will occupy the residence until 1813.
1813/00/00 Charles Jackson Home Charles Jackson inherits the Winslow House in Plymouth.
1835/09/14 Ralph Waldo Emerson Groom Lydia Jackson, daughter of Charles Jackson and Lucy Cotton Jackson, marries Ralph Waldo Emerson at the bride's family home in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
1835/09/14 Lidian Jackson Emerson Bride Lydia Jackson, daughter of Charles Jackson and Lucy Cotton Jackson, marries Ralph Waldo Emerson at the bride's family home in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
1841/00/00 Charles T Jackson Vocation At his home in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Charles T Jackson experiments with the anesthetic effects of ether, 1841-1842. Modern Anesthesia
1872/00/00 Lucia and Rev George Briggs buy the Winslow house from the Jackson family. The Briggs will use the residence as a summer residence for the next 26 years.
1898/00/00 Joseph Everett Chandler Architect Charles L Willoughby of Chicago hires Joseph E Chandler to renovate the gardens and residence on his summer estate in Plymouth.

Data »

Particulars for Mayflower House Museum:
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Museum Type Historical Museum
Area of Significance Medical
Criteria Person
Historic Use Single dwelling

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