

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Edward G Budd Co Manufacturer
1934/05/26 Leaving Denver at 7:04 am, the Zephyr makes a non-stop 1,015 mile (1,633 km) trip to Halsted Street station in 13 hours 5 minutes. The train's average speed was 77 mph (124 kmh) and a top speed of 112.5 mph (181 kmh). The Burlington's standard passenger A Century of Progress International Exposition
1960/05/26 After traveling some 3.2 million miles, the Pioneer Zephyr is retired.

Data »

Particulars for Pioneer Zephyr, Chicago:
Fuel Diesel
Area of Significance Engineering
Criteria Exemplar
Area of Significance Railroad
Vehicle Style Railroad Locomotive
Building Material Stainless Steel
Area of Significance Transportation
Sight Category Vehicle

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