

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Albert Bacon Blanton Architect
Leo L Oberwarth Architect
1897/00/00 Albert Bacon Blanton Significant name Albert Blanton begins working at the distillery as an office boy. Over the next few years he worked in every department, and before he was 20, Col Blanton is appointed superintendent of the distillery, its warehouse and bottling shop.
1920/00/00 Under Col Blanton's leadership, the distillery is one of only four US distilleries (and the only one in Kentucky) to continue making whiskey for medicinal purposes during Prohibition with a special government permit, 1920-1933. American Prohibition
1992/00/00 The Sazerac Company acquires the Buffalo Trace Distillery.
1999/00/00 The Sazerac Company takes ownership of W L Weller and Old Charter bourbons, completes the renovation of Buffalo Trace Distillery and launches Buffalo Trace bourbon.
2000/00/00 The Official Sazerac Cocktail recipe is modified to use Sazerac Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey or Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Peychaud's Bitters are produced by the Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky. Peychaud's Bitters

Data »

Particulars for George T Stagg Distillery:
Attribute Alcohol for Medicinal Purposes
Architectural Style American Colonial Revival
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Historic Use Clubhouse
Historic Use Energy facility
Criteria Exemplar
Area of Significance Industry
Historic Use Manufacturing facility
Level of Significance National
Historic Use Park
Criteria Person
Owner Private
Social Prohibition
Architectural Style Romanesque Revival
Historic Use Secondary structure
Historic Use Single dwelling
Area of Significance Social History
Historic Use Water Works

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 2nd May 2001

Registry Name: Stagg, George T., Distillery
Registry Address: 1001 Wilkinson Blvd.
Registry Number: 01000450
Resource Type: Building
Owner: Private
Architect: Oberwarth, Leo L.; Blanton, Albert Bacon
Architectural Style: Romanesque, Colonial revival
Area in Acres: 50
Contributing Buildings: 50
Non-Contributing Buildings: 3
Contributing Structures: 10
Non-Contributing Structures: 1
Contributing Objects: 1
Non-Contributing Objects: 3
Other Certification: Date received-pending nomination
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Social history, Industry, Architecture
Applicable Criteria: Event, Person, Architecture-Engineering
Significant Year: 1920, 1930
Associated People: Blanton, Albert Bacon
Historic Function: Domestic, Landscape, Social, Industry, processing, extraction
Historic Sub-Function: Manufacturing facility, Single dwelling, Water works, Park, Secondary structure, Clubhouse, Energy facility
Current Function: Domestic, Landscape, Social, Industry, processing, extraction
Current Sub-Function: Manufacturing facility Secondary structure Clubhouse Park Water works Energy facility

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