Island Grove Park

  • Also Known As: Island Grove Park National Register District

  • Address: Park Ave
  • Vicinity: Between Central St and Centre Ave
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Historic District

Island Grove Park is a city park in Abington, MA situated on a peninsula surrounded by Island Grove Pond. Island Grove Pond was created in the 1700s when the Shumatuscacant River was dam to power a sawmill. The historic Civil War Memorial Arch and Bridge connects the west side of the peninsula to Wilson Pl, off Washington St.

Island Grove Pond offers a large sand-bottom swimming pool, charcoal grills in the picnic area, a snack shack, walking trails and fishing. - AsNotedIn



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1910/00/00 Olmsted Brothers Partners and Associates: 1898-1961 Landscape Architect Architect J Williams Beal and the Olmstead Brothers' design for the Civil War Memorial Arch and Bridge is selected for Island Grove Park, built in 1912 for $21,515.83.
1910/00/00 J Williams Beal Architect Architect J Williams Beal and the Olmstead Brothers' design for the Civil War Memorial Arch and Bridge is selected for Island Grove Park, built in 1912 for $21,515.83.
1912/00/00 Bela Pratt Architect Bela Pratt creates a bronze Eagle sculpture to crown the Civil War Memorial Arch at Island Grove Park.

Data »

Particulars for Island Grove Park:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Architectural Style Beaux Arts
Historic Use Cemetery
Criteria Consideration Commemorative property
Architectural Style Craftsman Bungalow
Area of Significance Entertainment - Recreation
Criteria Exemplar
Historic Use Fair
Sight Category Historic District
Historic Use Manufacturing facility
Historic Use Monument
Historic Use Park
Area of Significance Social History
Area of Significance Theatre
Historic Use Water Works

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 6th March 2002

Registry Name: Island Grove Park National Register District
Registry Address: Park Ave.
Registry Number: 02000127
Resource Type: District
Owner: Local
Architect: Olmsted Brothers; Pratt, Bela
Architectural Style: Beaux arts, Bungalow-craftsman
Area in Acres: 53
Contributing Buildings: 3
Non-Contributing Buildings: 1
Contributing Sites: 3
Contributing Structures: 13
Non-Contributing Structures: 2
Contributing Objects: 3
Non-Contributing Objects: 5
Other Certification: Date received-pending nomination
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Level of Significance: Local
Area of Significance: Architecture, Entertainment-recreation, Social history
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering
Criteria Consideration: Commemorative property
Historic Function: Landscape, Landscape, Social, Recreation and Culture, Funerary, Industry, processing, extraction
Historic Sub-Function: Monument, Marker, Cemetery, Manufacturing facility, Fair, Park, Water works, Theater
Current Function: Recreation and Culture, Landscape, Funerary, Transportation
Current Sub-Function: Theater Park Cemetery Road-related

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