

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Charles Eliot Architect
Olmsted Brothers Partners and Associates: 1898-1961 Architect

Data »

Particulars for Mystic Valley Parkway, Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston MPS:
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Area of Significance Communications
Area of Significance Conservation
Historic Use Conservation Area
Area of Significance Engineering
Area of Significance Entertainment - Recreation
Criteria Exemplar
Sight Category Historic District
Area of Significance Landscape Architecture
Historic Use Natural Feature
Historic Use Outdoor recreation
Historic Use Park
Historic Use Road-related
Owner State
Area of Significance Transportation

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 18th January 2006

Registry Name: Mystic Valley Parkway, Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston MPS
Registry Address: Mystic Valley Parkway
Registry Number: 05001529
Resource Type: District
Theme Group: Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston MPS
Owner: State
Architect: Eliot, Charles; Olmsted Brothers
Area in Acres: 22
Contributing Sites: 1
Contributing Structures: 15
Non-Contributing Structures: 1
Other Certification: Date received-pending nomination
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Level of Significance: State
Area of Significance: Communications, Conservation, Engineering, Entertainment-recreation, Landscape architecture, Transportation
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering
Significant Year: 1895, 1936
Historic Function: Transportation, Recreation and Culture, Landscape
Historic Sub-Function: Park, Road-related, Natural feature, Outdoor recreation, Conservation area
Current Function: Transportation, Recreation and Culture, Landscape
Current Sub-Function: Outdoor recreation Natural feature Conservation area Park Road-related

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