Samuel Gompers Memorial
- Address: Massachusetts Ave, 10th and L Sts NW
- Vicinity: Reservation 69
- Neighborhood of Mount Vernon Square in Washington, DC
Samuel Gompers Memorial features a portrait of Gompers, dressed in garb of his times, seated with papers on his lap. He is surrounded by six allegorical figures representing the American labor movement. The seated male on the proper left symbolizes the overthrow of industrial exploitation by Education; the seated female figure on the proper right symbolizes the protection of the home. The two standing women represent Justice. The left female holds a fasces, a Roman symbol of power and justice. The two principal background figures, two standing men with clasped hands, denote Unity and Cooperation of the labor movement. Emblems of labor, such as a 1930 steam locomotive engine, are arranged among the Neoclassical figures. The base of the memorial is inscribed with quotes from Gompers' speeches. - Smithsonian American Art Museum