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Anderson Park


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1867/10/04 Olmsted, Vaux and Company Landscape Architects Principals of Olmsted, Vaux and Company visit Newark to identify a site for a grand park. The next day they submitted a report which provided the framework to create a noble Park and became key to forming the Essex County Park System.
1894/05/08 Frederick Law Olmsted Sr Landscape architect A state law provides for a commission to plan for laying out, acquiring and maintaining public open space. One of this commission's first acts was to hire Olmsted, Olmsted and Eliot, with the goal of obtaining the personal services of F L Olmsted Sr.
1902/08/00 John Charles Olmsted Landscape Architect Before the Essex County Park Commission agrees to accept insurance executive Charles W Anderson's land donation, John C Olmsted visits the proposed site for Newark Park. It became part of the pioneering Essex County Park Commission system in 1903.
1905/00/00 Olmsted Brothers Partners and Associates: 1898-1961 Landscape Architects Preliminary plans were prepared in 1903 and the park opened in 1905, with minor revisions to the pathways as reflected in the 1912 General Plan. The park was renamed Anderson Park in 1909 to honor its donor, Charles Anderson.
1928/00/00 General Bronze Corporation of Long Island City Foundry Anderson plaque is erected, the year Charles W Anderson died, at the main park entrance on Bellevue Ave. Cast by the General Bronze Corp and, although unsigned, it was probably designed by Maxfield H Keck, an architectural sculptor from Montclair, NJ.
1928/00/00 Maxfield H Keck Possible Sculptor Anderson plaque is erected, the year Charles W Anderson died, at the main park entrance on Bellevue Ave. Cast by the General Bronze Corp and, although unsigned, it was probably designed by Maxfield H Keck, an architectural sculptor from Montclair, NJ.

Data »

Particulars for Anderson Park:
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Area of Significance Community Planning and Development
Criteria Exemplar
Area of Significance Landscape Architecture
Historic Use Outdoor recreation
Historic Use Park
Sight Category Site

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 09001073
Resource Type:
Owner: Local
Architect: Olmstead Bros.; Essex County Park Comm.
Architectural Style: No style listed
Other Certification: Date received-pending nomination
Level of Significance: Local
Area of Significance: Landscape architecture, Community Planning and Development
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering
Significant Year: 1903, 1905, 1912
Historic Function: Recreation and Culture, Landscape
Historic Sub-Function: Park, Outdoor recreation
Current Function: Recreation and Culture, Landscape
Current Sub-Function: Park Outdoor recreation

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