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Statue of Liberty

  • Type: Sculpture
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Structure



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1871/06/01 Frederic Auguste Bartholdi Life After a 13-day crossing, Bartholdi arrives in the port of New York on the PEREIRE, a ship of the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique. He is here to promote the idea of a colossal statue of Liberty as a gift from the French to the American people. Liberty Enlightening the World (sculpture)
1876/06/00 Frederic Auguste Bartholdi Sculptor Right arm of Statue of Liberty, holding the torch, is exhibited at the Centennial Exposition to raise money for its completion. Liberty Enlightening the World (sculpture) Centennial Exposition
1877/02/00 The United States Congress approves New York Bedloes Island as the site for "Liberty Enlightening the World", Bartholdi's preferred location. Liberty Enlightening the World (sculpture)
1881/00/00 Richard Morris Hunt Architect Richard Morris Hunt is hired to design the pedestal for the Statue of Liberty.
1883/00/00 Charles Pomeroy Stone Chief Engineer Charles Stone becomes the Chief Engineer of the Statue of Liberty project at Bedloe's Island. He planned and supervised the construction of the pedestal, concrete foundation and the reassembly of the Statue of Liberty after its arrival from France.
1883/10/09 Francis Hopkinson Smith Architect Excavation begins on the concrete and iron foundation for the Statue of Liberty.
1884/02/13 Carl Laemmle Life Karl Lammle's ship, NECKAR, arrives in New York Harbour, where it is held up for 24 hours in winter fog. When the fog clears on the 14th, Julius Klugman carries the unwell Karl on deck to look at Bedloe's Island through a chilling flurry of rain.
1884/08/05 On a rainy day the Statue of Liberty foundation stone is sealed during a Masonic ceremony chaired by William A Brodie, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York. Artifacts include a copy of the Declaration of Independence.
1885/00/00 Cornell Iron Works Manufacturer The 29 foot (9 m) concrete base of the Statue of Liberty is supported by a skeleton of iron beams manufactured by J B and J M Cornell. Cornell stairways are also installed.
1885/00/00 The American Committee is falling short on raising the $250,000 to $300,000 to build the pedestal.
1885/03/16 Joseph Pulitzer Supporter Let us not wait for the millionaires to give us this money. It is not a gift from the millionaires of France to the millionaires of America, but a gift of the whole people of France to the whole people of America. - Joseph Pulitzer, New York World Liberty Enlightening the World (sculpture)
1885/06/17 The dismantled Statue of Liberty arrives at New York Harbor in 350 pieces packed in more than 200 cases. Liberty Enlightening the World (sculpture)
1885/08/00 By August 1885, more than 120,000 people donate almost $100,000 for completion of the Statue of Liberty pedestal.
1886/04/22 Compagnie des Etablissements Eiffel Engineer The last stone of the granite base of the Statue of Liberty is set in place. Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel's iron framework and the statue will be reassembled quickly, without scaffolding.
1886/10/28 Grover Cleveland Dignitary US President Grover Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France to commemorate the Franco-American alliance during the American Revolution. Liberty Enlightening the World (sculpture)
1886/10/28 Frederic Auguste Bartholdi Sculptor Bartholdi releases the tricolor French flag that covers Liberty's face glistening with rain from the wet and foggy weather. One million spectators applaud for 15 minutes as guns provide a salute and whistles sound off. Liberty Enlightening the World (sculpture)
1903/00/00 A bronze plaque inscribed with the "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus is mounted inside the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." - EL The New Colossus (poem)
1909/09/26 Wilbur Wright Inventor During the Hudson-Fulton Celebration, Wilbur Wright takes off from Governors Island, circles the Statue of Liberty and lands back on Governors. Hudson-Fulton Celebration
1939/08/30 Norddeutscher Lloyd German Industry As the blacked out BREMEN sails down the Hudson River, 900 crewmen line her decks and give the Nazi salute to the Statue of Liberty. The Bremen sails back full speed to Germany. Liberty Enlightening the World (sculpture) World War II Begins

Data »

Particulars for Statue of Liberty:
Area of Significance Art
Fine Art Colossal Sculpture
Art Type Sculpture
Sight Category Structure
Private Event Wedding Venue

Creative Works »

On the Town Film Stanley Donen "On the Town" is set and was filmed at the Statue of Liberty

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