Arlington House


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1877/02/08 Admiral Charles Wilkes Died Rear Admiral Wilkes dies in Washington, D C
1914/06/04 Edith Wilson Visitor Edith Galt leaves the unveiling of the Confederate Memorial early. "As I had only my little open electric chariot, and the wind was strong enough to sweep away so light a car, I urged that we leave and try to make shelter before we were drenched." - EBG
1921/00/00 Moses Jacob Ezekiel Final Resting Place Moses Jacob Ezekiel is laid to rest near his Confederate Memorial, Section 16, Arlington National Cemetery
1921/03/04 Congress approves the burial of an unidentified American soldier from World War I in the plaza of the new Memorial Amphitheater. Establishing the Tomb of the Unknown US Soldier
1921/11/11 Woodrow Wilson Dignitary Edith and Woodrow Wilson attend the Armistice Day ceremony preceding the burial of the Unknown Soldier at Atlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.
1921/11/11 Warren G Harding US President President Warren G Harding officiates the interment ceremonies of an unidentified American soldier from World War I at the Memorial Amphitheater in Arlington National Cemetery. Establishing the Tomb of the Unknown US Soldier
1938/02/15 Cary Travers Grayson Died Rear Admiral Cary Travers Grayson dies from cardiovascular disease at home on Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington DC. He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
1939/06/09 King George VI lays a wreath at Arlington Cemetery's The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth State Visit of Canada
1946/05/26 Joseph Medill Patterson Died Captain Joseph Medill Patterson dies in New York. He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery, section 6, site 5681-A.
1958/05/30 Dwight D Eisenhower US President Caskets of two unknown soldiers, one from World War II and one from the Korean Conflict, are carried on caissons to Arlington National Cemetery. President Eisenhower awards each the Medal of Honor, and the Unknowns are interred in the plaza. Establishing the Tomb of the Unknown US Soldier
1961/01/10 Dashiell Hammett Died Samuel Dashiell Hammett dies of lung cancer in Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, New York City. Mr Hammett's grave is in Arlington National Cemetery, section 12, site 508.
1974/02/01 Helen Chandler Winlock Died Helen Chandler Winlock dies in North Haven, Maine. She is buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia. Sec: 8, Site: 5506-LH
1984/05/28 Ronald Reagan US President An Army caisson carries the Vietnam Unknown from the Capitol to the Memorial Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, May 28, 1984. President Reagan presides over the funeral, and presents the Medal of Honor to the Vietnam Unknown. Establishing the Tomb of the Unknown US Soldier
1998/05/14 Remains of the Vietnam Unknown are exhumed. Using DNA testing, DoD scientists identified the remains as those of Air Force 1st Lt Michael Joseph Blassie, who was shot down near An Loc, Vietnam, in 1972. The crypt of the Vietnam Unknown remains vacant. Establishing the Tomb of the Unknown US Soldier
2006/04/27 Sandy Trowbridge Died Alexander Buel Trowbridge dies at age 76 in Washington, District of Columbia, after suffering from Lewy body dementia. Mr Trowbridge is buried at the Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia
2013/03/08 Remains of two unknown USS MONITOR sailors, recovered by NOAA and the US Navy in 2002 from the ship's gun turret, are buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery. USS Monitor's Final Voyage

Data »

Particulars for Arlington National Cemetery:
Historic Use Cemetery
Criteria Exemplar
Owner Federal
Area of Significance Military
Level of Significance National
Building Material Seneca Stone
Sight Category Site

Creative Works »

Gardens of Stone Film
Francis Ford Coppola Gardens of Stone is set at Arlington National Cemetery during the Vietnam War, 1960s
The Politics of Mourning: Death and Honor in Arlington National Cemetery (book) Treatise Micki McElya

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