The Musso and Frank Grill

  • Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11:00am - 11:00pm
  • Phone: (323) 467-7788
  • Type: Restaurant
  • Travel Genus: Drink , Eats
  • Eatery Category: Upscale Dining
  • Drinkery Category: Upscale Drinkery
  • Drinkery Type: Bar
  • Eatery Type: Restaurant

Musso and Franks is the oldest restaurant in Hollywood and is a standout from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Mussos offers a classic menu, a mahogany bar and a large helping of Hollywood's celluloid history where scripts were written, deals were made and contracts were signed. Have a Martini and enjoy. - Phantom



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1919/09/27 Frank's Cafe opens at 6669 Hollywood Blvd by entrepreneur Frank Toulet
1934/00/00 Musso and Frank's Grill Back Room opens (a private space reserved for the Hollywood elite), it closed in 1954 and the original bar, light fixtures and furniture were moved into the restaurant's New Room
1938/00/00 Nathanael West Customer Nathanael West's favorite restaurant in Hollywood is The Musso and Frank Grill.

Eat and Drink »

Martini Cocktail Excelent Martini

Eats Time Dinner
Eats Time Lunch
Eatery Type Restaurant
Eatery Category Upscale Dining

Drinkery Type Bar
Drinkery Category Upscale Drinkery

Data »

Particulars for The Musso and Frank Grill:
Business American Film Industry

Creative Works »

The Big Sleep (book) Novel Raymond Chandler The Big Sleep visits Musso and Frank

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