Lombardi House

  • Phone: 844.544.6873
  • Travel Genus: Lodging , Sight
  • Sight Category: Building
  • Lodging category: Upscale Lodging

The Lombardi House is a 7,000 square foot historic Hollywood home that has been developed into a four suite boutique hotel which can sleep up to 28 visitors. The original stable and barn have been refurbished as an indoor-outdoor event space which can accommodate up to 250 guests. - AsNotedIn

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Lombardi House


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1904/00/00 Lombardi House is built as a modest residence on the horse ranch of US Rep Cornelius Cole
1930/00/00 Colonial revival additions are made to the Lombardi House, 1930s
1940/00/00 Philip and Sylvia Lombardi (retired Vaudevillian performers, vocal coaches and composers) move to Los Angeles, 1940s
2006/00/00 Developer Jacques Massachi buys the Lombardi House, intending to demolish it, but changes his mind and turns it into a boutique hotel.

Data »

Particulars for Lombardi House:
Architectural Style American Colonial Revival
Sight Category Building
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling

Accommodations »

Lodging Style Grand Home
Lodging Style Hotel
Lodging category Upscale Lodging

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