The Scarlet Letter House

  • Address: 14 Mall St
  • Vicinity: S of Bridge St
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

The Scarlet Letter House is a historic, private residence in Salem, Massachusetts, notable as the home of Nathaniel Hawthorne and where he finished The Scarlet Letter. - AsNotedIn



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1846/10/00 Julian Hawthorne Home After only a couple of months living in the house on Chestnut St, the Hawthorne family moves to 14 Mall St which is large enough to allow Nathaniel's mother to live with them.
1850/02/23 Nathaniel Hawthorne Author Nathaniel Hawthorne finishes reading "The Scarlet Letter" to his wife, Sophia. Mall St will be the Hawthorne home until March 1850. The Scarlet Letter
1850/02/23 Sophia Peabody Hawthorne Life Nathaniel Hawthorne finishes reading "The Scarlet Letter" to his wife, Sophia. Mall St will be the Hawthorne home until March 1850. The Scarlet Letter

Data »

Particulars for The Scarlet Letter House:
Sight Category Building
Other Description Federalist vernacular
Building Type House
Area of Significance Literature
Historic Use Single dwelling

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