Manning House

  • Also Known As: Castle Dismal

  • Address: 10 half Herbert St
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

Manning House is a historic, private residence in Salem, Massachusetts. Nathaniel Hawthorne lived here with his mother, two sisters, his mother's parents, and their eight children. Nathaniel called it Castle Dismal. - AsNotedIn

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Manning House


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1808/00/00 Nathaniel Hawthorne Home Widow Hawthorne, two daughters and son Nathaniel move in with her parents, spring 1808, Nathaniel's room was on the 3rd floor
1825/07/00 Nathaniel Hawthorne Home After graduating from Bowdoin College, Nathaniel Hawthorne returns to live at the "Castle Dismal" on Herbert St.
1832/00/00 Nathaniel Hawthorne Home Hawthorne and his family return to the Herbert St house.
1836/01/00 Nathaniel Hawthorne Home Hawthorne moves to Boston but he will return to the Herbert St house in Salem in August.
1845/10/02 Nathaniel Hawthorne Home Unable to afford the rent on their Concord home, Nathaniel, Sophia, and daughter Una, return to live in Hawthorne's mother's home on Herbert St in Salem.
1845/10/02 Sophia Peabody Hawthorne Home Unable to afford the rent on their Concord home, Nathaniel, Sophia, and daughter Una, return to live in Hawthorne's mother's home on Herbert St in Salem.

Data »

Particulars for Manning House:
Sight Category Building
Building Type House
Area of Significance Literature
Criteria Person
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling

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