

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1857/00/00 Designed by James H Calrow with Greek Revival and Italianate elements, Charles Pride builds a stately house for Albert Hamilton Brevard.
1869/00/00 Brevard heirs sell their house to Emory Clapp. Mr Clapp adds a library wing along Chestnut St.
1935/00/00 Clapp family sell Brevard mansion to the family of Dr Frank Brostrom, who owned the residence until 1947.
1947/00/00 Brostrom family sell Brevard mansion to Judge John Minor Wisdom, who owned the residence until 1972.
1972/00/00 John A Mmahat buys the Brevard House, staying till 1988.
1989/00/00 Ann Rice Home Ann Rice and her husband, poet and painter Stan Rice, buy the Brevard-Rice House.

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Particulars for Brevard-Mmahat House:
Area of Significance Architecture
Sight Category Building

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