

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1895/00/00 A two-story frame Queen Anne style house is built for a white family at 501 Auburn Avenue.
1909/00/00 Rev Adam Daniel Williams, the black pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, buys a Queen Anne style house for $3,500 as the family home with his wife Jennie Celeste and their 6 year old daughter Alberta Christine.
1929/01/15 Martin Luther King Jr Born Martin Luther King Jr is born at his grandparents home in an upstairs bedroom at 501 Auburn Ave. Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday
1931/03/21 Rev Adam Daniel Williams dies at home of a heart attack.

Data »

Particulars for Martin Luther King Jr's Birthplace:
Significance Birthplace
Sight Category Building
Building Type House
Criteria Person
Architectural Style Queen Anne
Historic Use Single dwelling

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