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The Bronte Birthplace

  • English National Heritage: Number 74 With Front Garden Wall And Railings

  • Address: 74 Market St Bd13
  • Type: Townhouse
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

The Bronte Birthplace was the home of Patrick and Maria Bronte from 1815 when Patrick was curate at the church of St James in Thornton until 1820 when the family moved to Haworth. The house was the birthplace of their four youngest children: Charlotte (1816-55), Bramwell (1817-48), Emily Jane (1818-48) and Anne (1820-49). By the mid C19 the house was extended to form a shop. The property was renovated in the late 1990s because it was the birth place of the Bronte sisters. - Historic England



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1802/00/00 Numbers 72 and 74 Market Street townhouses are built in Thornton, Yorkshire.
1815/00/00 Patrick Bronte Home Rev Patrick and Maria Bronte move to Market St in Thorton, Yorkshire.
1816/04/21 Charlotte Bronte Born Charlotte Bronte is born in Thornton, west of Bradford in the West Riding of Yorkshire, the third of the six children of Maria and Patrick Bronte.
1818/07/30 Emily Bronte Born Emily Bronte is born the daughter of Maria and Rev Patrick Bronte at home on Market Street in the village of Thornton, Bradford, England.
1820/01/17 Anne Bronte Born Anne Bronte is born to Maria and Rev Patrick Bronte at home on Market Street in the village of Thornton, Bradford, England.
1850/00/00 By the mid C19, the Bronte Townhouse is extended to form a shop.

Data »

Particulars for The Bronte Birthplace:
Area of Significance Architecture
Sight Category Building
Criteria Person
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling
Building Style Townhouse

English National Heritage List: 1132988

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