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Dover Castle


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1630/00/00 From Dover Castle, Sir Edward Dering (1598-1644), sends a copy of the Magna Carta, now known as the Burnt copy, to Sir Robert Cotton (1571-1631). Magna Carta (document)
2015/00/00 Wilfred Nevill In Memoriam Both of Nevill's footballs were retrieved from the battlefield and preserved by the regiment. One survives at Dover Castle and the other was lost in 2015 during a fire at Clandon Park, home of the Surrey Infantry Museum. Battle of the Somme


Church Of St Mary Sub-Castro
  • ELB 1
The Roman Pharos
  • ELB 1

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NHLE List Entry Number: 1070326

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