Rittenhouse Farmhouse

  • Also Known As: Valley Forge Medical Center and Hospital main building

  • Address: 1033 W Germantown Pike
  • Vicinity: N Trooper Rd, Valley Forge Medical Center and Hospital
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1769/06/03 David Rittenhouse Astronomer David Rittenhouse views the 1769 Transit of Venus. Although he fainted at the beginning of the observation, he was able to quickly recover and record his findings. Transits of Venus
1770/03/12 David Rittenhouse Inventor I am to begin another (Orrery) immediately, and finish it expeditiously, for the College of Philadelphia. This I am not sorry for since the making of a second will be but an amusement, compared with the first. - Rittenhouse U of Penn's Rittenhouse Orrery
1770/04/23 John Witherspoon Buyer Dr Witherspoon, the President of the College of New Jersey, payes David Rittenhouse 300 pounds for the newly completed Orrery. Princeton's Rittenhouse Orrery
1770/04/23 David Rittenhouse Inventor Dr Witherspoon, the President of the College of New Jersey, payes David Rittenhouse 300 pounds for the newly completed Orrery. Princeton's Rittenhouse Orrery

Data »

Particulars for Rittenhouse Farmhouse:
Area of Significance Architecture
Science Astronomy
Sight Category Building
Building Type House
Criteria Person
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling

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