

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1841/04/07 William Henry Harrison In Memoriam A simple funeral ceremony is held for William Henry Harrison in the East Room and attended only by invitation. The US Marine Band plays dirges as the coffin is mounted on a great black and white funeral car. Death of US President William Harrison
1850/07/13 Zachary Taylor In Memoriam President Taylor's funeral is conducted in the East Room. The coffin is placed in an elaborate black and white funeral car surmounted by a great eagle. Death of President Zachary Taylor
1861/03/08 Mary Todd Lincoln US First Lady The Lincolns host their first levee (reception) at the White House. For more than two hours Abe will shake hands in right good earnest with all comers, at the rate of 25 per minute, or 1500 per hour. "A motley crowd and terrible squeeze," says Ed Bates.
1861/03/08 Abraham Lincoln US President The Lincolns host their first levee (reception) at the White House. For more than two hours Abe will shake hands in right good earnest with all comers, at the rate of 25 per minute, or 1500 per hour. "A motley crowd and terrible squeeze," says Ed Bates.
1861/05/25 Elmer Ephraim Ellsworth In Memoriam The funeral of Elmer Ellsworth is held. Lincolns are deeply grieved by his death. The President himself accompanies the funeral hearse away from the White House.
1861/05/25 Abraham Lincoln Mourner The funeral of Elmer Ellsworth is held. Lincolns are deeply grieved by his death. The President himself accompanies the funeral hearse away from the White House.
1861/10/00 Adolphus Washington Greely US Private Lincoln chats with Private Dolph Greely who guards the East Room. Learning Dolph is in Company D of the 19th Mass Volunteer Infantry, Lincoln says to him, "I'll bet your a pack of wildcats."
1861/10/00 Abraham Lincoln US President Lincoln chats with Private Dolph Greely who guards the East Room. Learning Dolph is in Company D of the 19th Mass Volunteer Infantry, Lincoln says to him, "I'll bet your a pack of wildcats."
1862/02/05 Mary Todd Lincoln Grieving Mother On the evening of February 5th with Wllie seriously ill, probably from typhoid fever, the Lincoln trudges between Wllie's upstairs sickbed and the East Room. Death of William Lincoln
1863/02/13 Abraham Lincoln Host President and Mary Todd Lincoln host a reception for General Tom Thumb and Lavinia Warren in the East Room of the White House. Marriage of Lavinia Warren and Charles Stratton
1863/02/13 Charles S Stratton Groom President and Mary Todd Lincoln host a reception for General Tom Thumb and Lavinia Warren in the East Room of the White House. Marriage of Lavinia Warren and Charles Stratton
1920/00/00 Woodrow Wilson US President Every day at noon, Woodrow Wilson watches a motion picture in the East Room. Ike Hoover has the staff scour the country that he might have a different picture each time. Woodrow returns to his bedroom at one o'clock for lunch.
1935/03/27 Adolphus Washington Greely Medal of Honor Recipient In the East Room of the White house, President Franklin Roosevelt slips the Congressional Medal of Honor over the head of Adolphus W Greely.
1935/03/27 Franklin D Roosevelt US President In the East Room of the White house, President Roosevelt slips the Congressional Medal of Honor over the head of Adolphus Greely. "You richly merit this, General Greely", say FDR shaking the General's hand.
1939/06/08 George VI of England Guest Guests assemble in the White House's East Room before moving to the State Dining Room for dinner, served on a gold table service in use since the Madison administration. King George and Queen Elizabeth White House Banquet
1939/06/08 Eleanor Roosevelt Hostess Guests assemble in the White House's East Room before moving to the State Dining Room for dinner, served on a gold table service in use since the Madison administration. King George and Queen Elizabeth White House Banquet
1939/06/08 George VI of England Guest Guests assemble in the White House's East Room before moving to the State Dining Room for dinner, served on a gold table service in use since the Madison administration. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth State Visit of Canada
1939/06/08 Eleanor Roosevelt Hostess Guests assemble in the White House's East Room before moving to the State Dining Room for dinner, served on a gold table service in use since the Madison administration. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth State Visit of Canada
1939/06/08 Franklin D Roosevelt Host Guests assemble in the White House's East Room before moving to the State Dining Room for dinner, served on a gold table service in use since the Madison administration. King George and Queen Elizabeth White House Banquet
1939/06/08 Franklin D Roosevelt Host Guests assemble in the White House's East Room before moving to the State Dining Room for dinner, served on a gold table service in use since the Madison administration. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth State Visit of Canada
1974/08/22 Gerald R Ford US President In the White House East Room, President Gerald Ford signs the Housing and Community Development Act reducing emphasis on public housing construction and transferring of decision-making from the federal government to state and local governments.

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Particulars for White House East Room:
Sight Category Building
Architecture Interior Space

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