Mill House Museum

  • Also Known As: Ellicott's Mill House
  • Also Known As: Merchants Grist Mill

  • Address: 413 413 Mill St
  • Vicinity: Occoquan River
  • Type: Gristmill
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

Mill House Museum, once the administrative building for a large mill complex, is a small historical museum on the Occoquan River in Occoquan, Virginia. - AsNotedIn



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1755/00/00 John Ballendine buys 20 acres of land in Occoquan and establishes an iron furnace and several other business.
1758/00/00 George Washington Work George Washington orders 3 tons of iron for Fort Loudon, Virginia, from the Ballendine furnace.
1770/00/00 John Semple quits John Ballendine's forge to expand the milling of wheat, the staple agricultural crop of Northern Virginia. Wheat
1785/00/00 Nathaniel Ellicott Owner Nathaniel Ellicott buys John Semple's mill on the Occoquan River in the late 1700s.
1795/00/00 Thomas Ellicott (miller) Author Instructions for "The Practical Millwright" by Thomas Ellicott is include with drawings as a section of Oliver Evans' "Young Mill-wright and Miller's Guide", published in 1795. Invention of the Automatic Flour Mill
1796/00/00 Thomas Ellicott (miller) Work Thomas Ellicott's mill, with 3 water wheels and 6 pairs of stones, is set up so that wheat can be delivered by ship or wagon. Ellicott's 10 page article describing his new mill is published in the journal Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, London, 1796. Invention of the Automatic Flour Mill
1924/00/00 A generator fire in the Occoquan Electric Light and Power Company destroys the main mill structure. The surviving Mill House, attached to the main mill, was the administrative office.
1945/00/00 The Alexandria Water Company buys the Mill House when it begins construction of the Occoquan dams and restores it for use as an office.

Data »

Particulars for Mill House Museum:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Architectural Style Georgian Architecture
Building Type Gristmill

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