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The Sun Also Rises

  • Also Published As: Fiesta
  • Type: Novel
  • Length: 251 pages

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Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1923/07/06 Ernest Hemingway Work Hemingway covers the nine-day Festival of San Fermin in Pamplona, Spain for Canada's Toronto Star. Pamplona Navarre
1924/07/06 Ernest Hemingway Visitor Hemingway stays at the Hotel Quintana (lost) at 18 Plaza del Castillo in Pamplona during the festival of San Fermin and becomes friends with the owner, Juanito Quintana. Hemingway will stay at the Hotel Quintana on his many future visits. Pamplona Navarre
1926/01/00 Ernest Hemingway Author Schruns was a good place to work. I know because I did the most difficult job of rewriting I have ever done there in the winter of 1925 and 1926, when I had to take the first draft of The Sun Also Rises ... and make it into a novel. - EH Posthotel Taube, Schruns Schruns, AT
1926/10/22 Ernest Hemingway Author Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" is published by Scribner's. Its first edition consist of 5090 copies, selling at $2.00 per copy.
1926/10/22 Charles Scribner's Sons Publisher Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" is published by Scribner's. Its first edition consist of 5090 copies, selling at $2.00 per copy.
1926/10/22 Maxwell E Perkins Editor Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" is published by Scribner's. Its first edition consist of 5090 copies, selling at $2.00 per copy.

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Particulars for The Sun Also Rises:
Art Type Book a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
Narrative Arts Fiction prose literature, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people
Art Movement Modernistic
Narrative Arts Narrative an account of connected events
Art Type Novel long form fiction narrative that is at least 40,000 words in length
Narrative Arts Prose ordinary written language

Original Language: English

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