Y/M/D | Association | Description | Place | Locale | Food | Event | |
1694/06/28 | During the reign of William and Mary, the first Stamp duty is established in England. "An act for granting to their Majesties several duties upon vellum, parchment and paper, for four years, towards carrying on the war against France" | ||||||
1765/03/22 | Parliament of Great Britain | English Government | British Parliament passes the Stamp Act, imposing a levy on all paper documents in the colonies. It is the first tax levied directly on American colonists by Parliament. | Medieval Palace of Westminster | Palace of Westminster | Stamp Act Congress | |
1765/03/22 | Parliament of Great Britain | English Government | British Parliament passes the Stamp Act, imposing a levy on all paper documents in the colonies. It is the first tax levied directly on American colonists by Parliament. | Medieval Palace of Westminster | Palace of Westminster | American Revolution - From Protest to Revolt | |
1765/03/22 | Parliament of Great Britain | English Government | British Parliament passes the Stamp Act, imposing a levy on all paper documents in the colonies. It is the first tax levied directly on American colonists by Parliament. | Medieval Palace of Westminster | Palace of Westminster | Declaration of the Westmoreland Resolves | |
1765/05/29 | Patrick Henry | Patriot | Patrick Henry makes a speech before the Virginia House of Burgesses in favor of the Virginia Resolves: "Caesar had his Brutus, Charles I his Cromwell, and George III may profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it." | Colonial Williamsburg | Williamsburg | ||
1765/05/30 | House of Burgesses passes the Virginia Resolves, 4 resolutions denouncing the Stamp Act since, according to British law, people are subject to taxation only by a parliament to which themselves have elected representatives. | Colonial Williamsburg | Williamsburg | ||||
1766/02/21 | Parliament of Great Britain | English Government | A resolution to repeal the Stamp Act is introduced to English Parlement and passes by a vote of 276-168. | ||||
1766/03/18 | George III of England | King of the United Kingdom | George III give his Royal Assent to An ACT to REPEAL an Act granting and applying certain Stamp-Duties and other Duties in the British Colonies and Plantations in America, towards defraying the Expenses of defending, protecting and securing the same. | ||||
1766/05/16 | John Hancock | Ship Owner | Brig Harrison arrives in Boston, belonging to John Hancock, Esq. Captain Shaubael Coffin in 6 Weeks and 2 Days from LONDON, with important News: His Majesty gives his Royal Assent to An ACT to REPEAL the Stamp Act. | Long Wharf and Customhouse Block | Boston | ||
1766/06/15 | John Adams | Life | I spent the evening with the Sons of Liberty.... We had punch, wine, pipes and tobacco, biscuit and cheese, etc they chose a committee to make preparation for a grand rejoicing upon the arrival of the news of the repeal of the Stamp Act. - Adams diary | Old English Punch | American Revolution - From Protest to Revolt | ||
1907/05/30 | The Jamestown Exposition's Patrick Henry Day celebrates the Virginia House of Burgesses's passing, on 30 May 1765, Henry's resolutions against the Stamp Act. President Tucker reads the original Stamp Act Resolutions. | Jamestown Exposition Site Buildings | Norfolk | Jamestown Exposition |
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