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This Side of Paradise (book)

  • Type: Novel
  • Length: 305 pages

This Side of Paradise, published in 1920, is F Scott Fitzgerald's first novel. In it, Amory Blaine is a young man, in high society, struggling to find himself. - AsNotedIn

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Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1918/06/00 F Scott Fitzgerald Author Scott Fitzgerald is posted at Camp Sheridan (lost) in Montgomery, Alabama, where he reworks the "The Romantic Egotist" and meets Zelda Sayre. Zelda and Scott may have been introduced at a Thorington tea party in the South House. Winter Place Montgomery, AL Marriage of Zelda Sayre and F Scott Fitzgerald
1919/07/04 F Scott Fitzgerald Author Utterly disgusted with myself and all the editors, I went home to St Paul and informed family and friends that I had given up my position and had come home to write a novel. They nodded politely, changed the subject and spoke of me very gently. - FSF Fitzgerald Summit Terrace St Paul, MN
1919/09/15 F Scott Fitzgerald Author But this time I knew what I was doing. I had a novel to write at last, and all through two hot months I wrote and revised and compiled and boiled down. On September fifteen This Side of Paradise was accepted by special delivery. - FSF Fitzgerald Summit Terrace St Paul, MN
1920/03/26 F Scott Fitzgerald Author "This Side of Paradise" by F Scott Fitzgerald is published. The first printing sells out in 3 days.
1920/03/26 Charles Scribner's Sons Publisher "This Side of Paradise" by F Scott Fitzgerald is published. The first printing sells out in 3 days.
1920/03/26 Maxwell E Perkins Editor "This Side of Paradise" by F Scott Fitzgerald is published. The first printing sells out in 3 days.

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Particulars for This Side of Paradise (book):
Art Type Book a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
Narrative Arts Collegiate Life
Historic Use Country Club
Narrative Arts Fiction prose literature, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people
Narrative Arts Narrative an account of connected events
Art Type Novel long form fiction narrative that is at least 40,000 words in length
Narrative Arts Prose ordinary written language

Original Language: English

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