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A Deal in Wheat (short story)

  • Type: Short Story

A Deal in Wheat is a 1902 short story by American author Frank Norris. - AsNotedIn

As Sam Lewiston backed the horse into the shafts of his backboard and began hitching the tugs to the whiffletree, his wife came out from the kitchen door of the house and drew near, and stood for some time at the horse's head, her arms folded and her apron rolled around them. For a long moment neither spoke. They had talked over the situation so long and so comprehensively the night before that there seemed to be nothing more to say.
Frank Norris, A Deal in Wheat

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  • Chicago Board of Trade Building, Chicago So far back as the February of that year an "unknown bull" had been making his presence felt on the floor of the Board of Trade.
  • Chicago's South Side, The street was very dark and absolutely deserted. It was a district on the "South Side," not far from the Chicago River, given up largely to wholesale stores, and after nightfall was empty of all life.
  • Kansas, United States of America The time was late in the summer, the place a ranch in southwestern Kansas, and Lewiston and his wife were two of a vast population of farmers, wheat growers, who at that moment were passing through a crisis - a crisis that at any moment might culminate in
  • Lake Geneva, Wisconsin Truslow, the Great Bear, from whom the most serious attack might have been expected, had gone to his country seat at Geneva Lake, in Wisconsin, declaring himself to be out of the market entirely. He went bass-fishing every day.


Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1902/08/00 Frank Norris Author "A Deal in Wheat" by Frank Norris appears in Everybody's Magazine.
1902/08/00 Everybody's Magazine Publisher "A Deal in Wheat" by Frank Norris appears in Everybody's Magazine.

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Particulars for A Deal in Wheat (short story):
Sociology Breadline a line of people waiting to receive free food
Vehicle Buckboard an open, four-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage with seating that is attached to a plank stretching between the front and rear axles
Business Commodity Trading industrial buying and selling metal, energy, livestock and meat and agricultural products
Narrative Arts Fiction prose literature, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people
Suitcase Gladstone Bag small portmanteau built over a rigid frame which separates into two equal sections
Narrative Arts Narrative an account of connected events
Narrative Arts Prose ordinary written language
Art Type Short Story short form narrative fiction

Original Language: English

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