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The Burglar's Christmas (Short Story)

  • Type: Short Story

The Burglar's Christmas is a 1896 short story by author Willa Cather. - AsNotedIn

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  • Near South Side, Chicago, TWO very shabby looking young men stood at the corner of Prairie avenue and Eightieth street, looking despondently at the carriages that whirled by. It was Christmas Eve, and the streets were full of vehicles.
  • Prairie Avenue District, Chicago Prairie Avenue and Eightieth Street were in that half-liquid, half-congealed condition peculiar to the streets of Chicago at that season of the year.


Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1896/00/00 Willa Cather Author Written under the pseudonym of Elizabeth L Seymour, "The Burglar's Christmas" steals an issue of The Home Monthly, VI.
1896/00/00 Home Monthly (Pittsburgh) Publisher Written under the pseudonym of Elizabeth L Seymour, "The Burglar's Christmas" steals an issue of The Home Monthly, VI.

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Particulars for The Burglar's Christmas (Short Story):
Season Christmas the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, late December in the Western Church
Holiday Christmas Eve The night before Christmas, December 24th
Narrative Arts Fiction prose literature, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people
Narrative Arts Narrative an account of connected events
Narrative Arts Prose ordinary written language
Art Type Short Story short form narrative fiction

Original Language: English

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